Family Yearbook

What you choose to take pictures of and document makes a big impression on your children. This is what you view as important and worth remembering!
Some ideas of what to include in your album: The Rebbe's horaos on chinuch (copy-and-pasted from our daily emails), your children doing mitzvos, your children learning Torah, chinuch milestones etc.
You can start from the moment your baby is born, a picture with the Shir Hamaalos and the Rebbe's horaah, Tatti getting the baby a letter in the sefer Torah next to the baby, children coming over to say pesukim before the bris... a collection of your children's mitzvah notes from preschool and pictures of some of those moments you caught on camera... learning aleph beis, helping your prepare for Shabbos....
We love for making family albums.
We made a template with many of the Rebbe's horaos included for anyone to use. Email to be sent access to the templates. They only work through
Some more ideas:
Letter of the child's sefer Torah, picture of parent's filling out form next to baby

First time mother adds another candle

Special kadosh moments: Here we are making the begining of learning Aleph Beis sweet

The Rebbe's words lived out in our lives: Here big sister is using her trait of wanting to "dominate" for kedusha- teaching her baby brother kadosh things

First time lighting Shabbos candle

Going for walks saying psukim

Davening circle

Aleph Beis


Surrounding children with kedusha, children being a dugma chaya

New milestones

Showing baby Shir Hamaalos after birth

Special photos from cheder