Teachings of the Rebbe on Chinuch
We need your help to publish this sefer!
An open letter to our community,
As you may know, a collection of the Rebbe's fundamental teachings on chinuch is not currently available in English.
There is a great demand for a sefer that provides parents and educators clear guidance on how to nurture the precious neshamos of our generation.
We've translated the Rebbe's teachings on hundreds of topics, creating a 500 page sefer completely indexed by topic and searchable on demand.
This is the first sefer of its kind, with a broader, more holistic range of the Rebbe's teachings on chinuch than any other chinuch sefer. We've included practical chinuch advice from trusted mashpiim and a section entitled "Inspiration from Anash", where Anash have shared with us creative ways they infuse their home with Chassidishkeit.
We need to raise $8,500 for professional editing & publication costs. We hope to publish by Nissan 5775/March 2015 IYH.
Your donation will enable countless parents and educators to have access to these vital teachings, which could even be considered pikuach nefesh. The Rebbe stressed this countless times, "We are living in a time of crisis in regards to traditional chinuch and especially Chassidishe chinuch." (Igros Kodesh, vol. 17, p. 174)
Let's come together and reach our goal of raising $8,500!
"I was pleased by the suggestion that material that is spread out in sichos on the topic of chinuch will be gathered. If only this would be approached with the fitting enthusiasm. It is understood that it needs to be in the spoken language... though it should be kept as close to the original as possible... For various reasons the source from which the segment was taken from should be written, either inside the section or at the end of the booklet." (Igros Kodesh, vol. 9, p. 216)
The importance of gathering and translating such material is evident from the Rebbe’s words in a letter:
donated of $8,500 goal
Full page: $600
Half page: $300
Quarter page: $150
Greeting (2 lines): $75
Back page dedication: $4000
Front page dedication: $5000
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!